We were once a group of visual artists who displayed and sold our works in non traditional venues, i.e. the streets and plazas of St.Augustine Florida,the oldest City in The U. S. Local laws have been passed in defiance of the First Amendment.There are no longer street artists in St. Augustine, Florida E mail: plazanews@mail.com
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Sit Down And Stay Awhile
Thursday, May 24, 2007
A Little Paint and a Big Party
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Ernest Lee - Painter

Lorraine and Karl
We were sent this film clip by a Canadian who believes that this Lorraine lady may have taped this on St. Augustine Beach. Don't know, but the cop on the beach doesn't have a Mussolini buzz cut, so it may not be. Attributed to MAD TV
Monday, May 21, 2007
Word On The Street

"Where can we find a bar that the tourists do not go to?" Response:, "Don't know! But it's probably not around here".
Artist explaining to police that his print rack was not blocking pedestrian traffic,"I do not mean to create a problem but....." "You do !" " Do what? "You mean to create a problem", says the cop.
"I do not know anything about art but I do like that Thomas Kinkaid guy. Do you like his work?" Response by street artist. "He's very popular."
A grubby looking guy "The food at the St. Francis House (soup kitchen) really sucked today! The other guy "Yeah, and they wouldn't give me seconds!"
News Racks and Art Vendors

Thursday, May 17, 2007
Ringo Smith

Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Junkanoo this Saturday
On Saturday May 19 the sound of drums, bells, whistles, and horns will get the festival started at 5:30

P.S.Kalik Beer is one of the sponsors but I'll bet that we gotta go to the Bahamian junkanoo to get a cold one. Bahamian laws are different from ours.There you can walk down the street, sit on the curb, ride in a cab or public transit and drink your beer. One at a time, in a brown paper bag. Try that here.
Heard On The Street
"Ya know doncha that there was a plague here in St. Augustine just before Flagler arrived and it wiped out most of the community" " I don't know what kind of plague just a regular plague." Self styled expert on local history.
"We heard that Suvo took a swing at one of the cops so they hauled him off". Artist Suvo was arrested for offering unauthorized art for sale Read here. "Hey, do you think that I'm an idiot!"says Suvo
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Don't Rain On Our Parade !

Copper and Stone Not Approved Here

Hudson River Refugee

Monday, May 14, 2007
No Habla Mr. Smith
We now hear the media campaign paid for out of a 10 million dollar federal grant to celebrate Jamestown as the "birthplace"of english speaking America. Counter balancing this borderline ethnocentric push are stories like the one shown here:
From the United Kingdom Economist article on May 3
"This year's is not the first observance of the Jamestown settlement, but it is trying to be the most balanced. The 250th anniversary in 1857 was a statewide affair in which the General Assembly boldly declared Jamestown the birthplace of the nation—overlooking the fact that St Augustine, Florida, a Spanish settlement, was established 42 years earlier. In 1907 Virginia, with federal backing, staged a huge but poorly-attended exposition that presented Jamestown as a white Christian beachhead in a land of godless red savages. It also featured the Great White Fleet, the armada President Theodore Roosevelt would dispatch on a global tour: a new, Americanised symbol of imperial ambition. Much the same notion launched Jamestown; but ambitious nation-building is a little out of fashion now. " More
Though we do not believe in such things we give out our congratulations to Plaza Artist Charles Dickinson for winning the Best in Show Award at the recent Art Association Spring Members Exhibit. Charles has been travelling lately going to invitational "paint outs". Last week he was one of 25 nationally acclaimed plein air painters participating in The 2nd Annual Great Paint Out in Port St. Joe. We haven't heard the results. "Paint faster! Charles....Paint faster! " Our suggestion is to acquire a Dickinson now in 2006. You can get medium sized original somewhere in the 800 dollar range if you catch him in a good mood. But hey! There's also 20 dollar signed prints available from him in the Plaza almost every weekend. Watch Charles at work. Ask him "What's with the hat?"
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
False Accusations ? Slander?

Our same day response :
Dear Mr. Mc Daniel,
I've read your response to one of the artists in the Plaza asking the St. John's Cultural Council to make a statement concerning the arrests,art confiscations and intimidation that takes place by the city against the open air artists. Your response simply was to not respond. Please understand this,we do not ask the Council to take an active role in our First Amendment fight (and fight it is!) If your lack of manpower precludes you from making a single phone call (or returning mine) or a letter to the City, I´ve got to conclude that the issue of artistic freedom is not on your priority list.
One misunderstanding that many have is that artists on the streets and sidewalks are looking for represenation in a gallery. Most of us have credentials and have seasoned experience with galleries both here and nationally. The open air display on public space is part of the whole thing. Interaction with collectors occurs every day that we are out here not just on "Art Walks" sponsored by commercial galleries. We have places to show our work. Some of us do not need the insular and car lot,closing room (AKA "viewing room") atmosphere of some of the local galleries ("We Finance!")
Regarding your wife´s beautiful mosaic at the Visitors Center, you identify this as "not a formal public art project "but simply an enhancement" Mr. McDaniel,this large outdoor mosaic cannot be put into the same category as decorative dorknobs or ceiling mouldings.Recent articles and City Commission meetings all refer to this as a "Public Art Project" The City Manager´s administrative assistant told me that 30,000 dollars came directly from City coffers specifically for this artwork. Call it what you will but it is still site specific public art paid with public monies. No bids were taken ,no call for artists, no spec announced.The bookeeping may make it appear that Walker Parking Services was the private benefactor of this "enhancement".We believe that the public paid for this.
Perhaps you were unconsciously condescending when you referred to my fellow artist´s previous posts as a "rant". You are are no doubt unaware of the continuous harassment, and illegal actions taken against the artists exercising their First Amendment Rights on Public Space. This City handcuffs artists for displaying on public property! You can understand her strident tone! No, We do not want or need "workshops", discounted studio space, a swell gallery, or even recognition. We simply want to show our art to visitors and locals and give them the opportunity to acquire the works. This is our legal right. We do ask that anyone who reads this and understands and sympatizes, to call their elected officials to protest the illegal actions taken by the city of St. Augustne against artists. www.ArtInTheMarket.blogspot.com--------------------
Gregory Travous
If I Had A Hammer
*The above festival is not to be confused with Goombah Festival held on River Street in Hoboken N. J. every other weekend or whenever. Not even close!
No ,It Doesn't Say Pervert !

Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Pasha Buried In The Plaza

Friday, May 04, 2007
Gamble Rogers Folk Fest May 4-6

Listen to a little of Rogers' genius by linking HERE
Where is the Art? Did this go any further? Who swallowed the 80K?