Workshops, workshops and more workshops
Ask the City or the Cultural Council president "What first time public artist was awarded the 30000 City dollars on a non bid city contract for the Art mosaic at the Visitors Center?" Spouses and friends apparently had priority ,since no experienced public artist ever(it is a specialized field) heard of this opportunity.Call it Public Art if you will , since public monies paid for it.Hide it through contractor payments and no one will ever notice. The public is gullible. Beautiful it may be ,but we hear the tiles that are popping out are making great souvenirs for the kids. This is why you engage an experienced public artist. Durability.
Concerning the harassment and jailing of artists,nary a word is heard from these so called
"Art Advocates", The St. John's County Cultural Council. No place for artists to show? There's a whole world out there..................GET OUT OF YOUR STUDIO !
Genuine First Amendment freedom is seen by many business interests and landlords as a threat. If the average person is allowed to use traditionally public spaces to communicate, advertise or sell their creations, it threatens the business communities monopoly on these basic activities.
While politicians and corporations pay lip service to the ideas of free enterprise, freedom of speech and equal opportunity, they are trying to deny these same rights to the public.
Robert Lederman
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