We were once a group of visual artists who displayed and sold our works in non traditional venues, i.e. the streets and plazas of St.Augustine Florida,the oldest City in The U. S. Local laws have been passed in defiance of the First Amendment.There are no longer street artists in St. Augustine, Florida E mail: plazanews@mail.com
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Elena Hecht

Scott Raimondo

Monday, March 30, 2009
The Laundry Series


Sunday, March 29, 2009
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Downtown Changes?

That last statement, oh boy, fill in your own response here are some already sent to us:
"Your Excellency , All your base are belong to us"
"They paved paradise and put up a parking lot,With a pink hotel, a boutique, And a swinging hot spot."
First, the Mayor gets a polite warning call from Tom Hagen , then Tessio comes with gifts, no luck there, then Mayor Boles gets a severed gator head in his bed! The architect Chrichlow drops out after a phone call saying, "Remember Moe Green?" Bishop Gagleone has clout beyond Rome!
The Episcopal Church on the other side of the Plaza are offering special new converts free parking and Château Mouton-Rothschild in their services.
Everybody knows that this is an old colonial graveyard and the owner is dumping the property for a song. "You son of a bitch, you left the bodies and you only moved the head stones. You only moved the head stones. Why? Why?"
Local watchdog B.J.Kalady was right all along......the hotel is a front for an "adult club" called Skanks!
Keeping Busy

Saturday, March 21, 2009
Copyright Lessons

In copyright law, a derivative work is an expressive creation that includes major, copyright-protected elements of an original, previously created first work.
per copyright circ14 derivative
"To be copyrightable, a derivative work must be different enough from the original to be regarded as a "new work" or must contain a substantial amount of new material. Making minor changes or additions of little substance to a preexisting work will not qualify the work as a new version for copyright purposes. The new material must be original and copyrightable in itself."
What would you decide if you were the judge?
Friday, March 20, 2009
Bates et al vs. City of St.Augustine
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
A Lttle Moby
We are fans of Moby and rediscovered this video from five years ago. Notice the dog in the film is the only one with a lack of self absorbtion (except for Moby at the cafe table)
SEQUEL HERE Some may call Moby a producer rather than a musician.....who cares? Love it!
St.Augustine - Civil Rights

Friday, March 13, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Censorship in Carolinas

A short time ago, he banned 14 photos in The Century Project by Frank Cordelle. The Project is an exhibition of nude photographic portraits of diverse girls and women, plus their personal statements. The University administration has refused to discuss the severe censorship, an action the Project had never encountered in its 27-year history.
A New Life !

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Editorial by Suvo

We, the artists involved, have seen this close up. Last year a secret closed door meeting regarding our ouster from the streets was clearly obvious. When the ordinance was passed by unanimous vote to ban the artists the mulch boxes that contained our exhibits were removed the day before the vote. Whoops! The parks department slipped up on that one! No plausible deniability there.
Mayor Boles represents himself as a fighter vs the artists. Local readers, ask yourself this......Is he fighting for your interests? His friend and client, gallery owner Len Cutter is having difficulty selling his overpriced Dr.Seuss prints in one of his four galleries surrounding the Plaza. Look for blame........it must be those street artists....they are taking MY tourist dollar. Handle it Joe! Take care of it Bill! Get them out of there!
A clarification to the news story...........We have no spokesperson. As advocates of free speech we along with everyone else sometimes hold our tongues and clench our teeth when we hear something that conflicts with our own beliefs or philosophies. But everyone has the right to be heard. That said.............this is a visual arts issue not a street performer issue. Those who have spoken before this last City Commission meeting rehashing old narratives and shaking their fists have not been involved in the Federal lawsuit nor have we seen them anywhere near our past protests. Coming out of the woodwork now does not help us. We are leaving this in the hands of the Federal Court for now. Debate now?..........why?
City Permits This Activity
Cougar Sammie Jones and her tagalong friend Patrice Eldridge came from Houston to buy counterfeit designer purses in NYC's Chinatown. Listen to grown up mallrat Sammie justify the fact that they are dealing in stolen merchandise. Imagine the hue and cry if the Plaza artist/vendors made Staples photocopies of Royo, Coleman and others from the high rent galleries. We respect copyrights and have dealt with artists who have violated copyright. You will not find them in the Plaza.
The City of St.Augustine permits this illegal activity while harassing artists engaged in legal activity
Monday, March 09, 2009
Government At Work

Saturday, March 07, 2009
Friday, March 06, 2009
Cookie Catcher !

No, I'm not auditioning for Nunsense! Telling me not to scratch my ear wasn't good enough. I gotta wear this monstrosity. Strangely though,I hear alot better with this rig but DO I LOOK HAPPY?
While I was in the dog hospital I met an assortment of other dogs. I was given Valium and it took awhile to come out of it gradually.This other dog, incarcerated for his hyperactive habits........let's call him "Butthead", had a strange reaction coming out of his two hour drug stupor. The rest of us gave him a wide berth.
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Bates et al v. City of St.Augustine
Four artists have filed suit today in the United States District Court against the City of St.Augustine for repeatedly arresting and prosecuting artists who dare to defy the bans against sale of art on public property and by communicating to artists that they would be arrested and jailed if they sold, or offered or sale, their art within the City’s historic district.
Plaintiffs are asking the court for preliminary and permanent injunctions restraining the enforcement and application of what they say is an illegal City Code.
Previous cases in other Judicial Districts have affirmed artist's rights in this matter.
The artists are represented by the Jacksonville Florida firm of Sheppard, White, Thomas & Kachergus and St.Augustine atorney Tom Cushman.
Monday, March 02, 2009
Government Speech?
The court ruled on Wednesday that permanent monuments in public parks are not subject to the free speech analysis that applies to speeches and leaflets in public forums Story.NY Times