We were once a group of visual artists who displayed and sold our works in non traditional venues, i.e. the streets and plazas of St.Augustine Florida,the oldest City in The U. S. Local laws have been passed in defiance of the First Amendment.There are no longer street artists in St. Augustine, Florida E mail: plazanews@mail.com
Friday, March 30, 2007
"Look At Me !"

Monday, March 26, 2007
Freedom River
Orson Welles narrates this 1971 animated story about a special river of freedom. Note the street artist along the river.
There once was discovered a land where freedom flowed like a clear, fresh stream..............
John Cuthbert Hare

Mr.Hare died in Palm Beach in 1978.
Spanish Night Watch
Saturday, March 24, 2007

A letter in the St. Augustine Record seems to protest the Peace March of last week. It doesn't take a close reading to deduce that the writer was taking an outrageous position in order to promote the Peace March. Kind of a reverse provacateur .Selected quotes verbatim include:
"These rowdy* dissidents dared to interrupt the free flow of commerce."
"Who needs to be reminded that more troops have been secreted home than people who died ...on Sept. 11 ?"
"Hasn't our president revoked that Constitutional right (free speech) yet? If not, why not?"
We are reminded of those wild eyed individuals back in the 70's who were at peace meetings (some were organizers) screaming for government overthrow, violence and mayhem. The old joke was that with the headbands, the three day beard growth and the fatigue pants you sometimes found a pair of perfectly polished oxford shoes. We didn't need to wait for the "Freedom Of Information" files to recognize what was termed as an Agent Provocateur.
If the letter writer is serious, it is ironic that he is exercising free speech rights by denouncing the marcher's right of free speech.
*You aint seen rowdy. Try The Tradewinds at 11PM tonight and tell us about rowdy.
Friday, March 23, 2007
High Rent

Thursday, March 22, 2007
Mary Badham Played 'Scout' in Classic Film

King George's Man

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
The Peace Fairy Was Here !

Scott Raimondo

Permanent Record

Florida lawmakers want to make it easier for segregation protesters like Hughes to clear their records of crimes borne of a determination to end racial discrimination. Proposed legislation would speed applications to erase such convictions past other pardon requests to the governor and state Clemency Board.
"Erasing convictions from criminal records is a small step toward forgiveness of an era that still causes emotional strain," said Gerald Eubanks, chairman of St. Augustine's civil rights committee as reported by the Associated Press.
"It did a great deal of damage. You will carry that for the rest of your life," Eubanks said. "If we purge all of this negativity we can get past it and move on. It certainly is good therapy if you can at least have a fair record."
AITM feels that the passage of this bill is a "no brainer", though we gotta say that these heroes may want to keep the convictions as a "badge of honor". Thank you Sister Rosa And Ms. Hughes.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
That Be Eustis, Mon !

Thursday, March 15, 2007
An Elizabethan View of the New World

Drake's Raid On St. Augustine
An historic copy of the first printed atlas of England and Wales, a landmark in Elizabethan cartography, is coming on to the market for the first time in 200 years.Among the collection is an illustration of Sir Francis Drake’s famous expedition to the West Indies and America from 1585 to 1586, when he set out to attack the Spanish possessions there.This set of charts, depicting towns “visited” by Drake’s fleet, are of particular importance because they gave Elizabethan England the first glimpse of America. Among the charts is a view of St Augustine in northern Florida — the earliest printed view of any city in North America. More Here
* Post script: An anonymous bid of $1.29M won this chart and four others at the Sotheby's London auction.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Geico Has Her

If the City of St. Augustine is wishing to fly in celebrities (The Pope, the King of Spain) to help celebrate our 450th anniversary we gotta throw in our suggestion. To some, María del Rosario Pilar Martínez Molina Baeza de Rasten a.k.a. Charo, epitomizes Spanish achievement in the U.S.A. Many do not know that she has been named "Best Flamenco Guitarist" in Guitar Player Magazine's readers' poll twice. Charo is spending a lot of time entertaining on cruise ships and would probably be happy to visit the Ancient City. Contact Charo through her web page here.
And for the ladies ......Antonio Banderas
Seriously, We believe that it would serve St. Augustine well by counter balancing the anti Hispanic factions in this U.S. It is there, be assured (read the previous post and here). Celebrate the Spanish heritage aggressively ,apply for the grants and use ten million dollars as they did in Jamestown this year.Forget about the Pope (he's German ) he doesn't really have a bedroom at the basilica as the tour guides say.
The Pope is Coming ,Everybody Run!!!

The City Commission last night, discussed possible attention getting ideas to celebrate the 450th anniversary of St. Augustine. Heresay is that one Commissioner thought that the Pope should be invited. We agree. It would be great if His Holiness would deliver an address on the "Bull of Borgia" whereby Pope Alexander VI announced to the New World natives that every three months, the Indians were to surrender a hawk's bell filled with gold dust. In return they were given a copper token stamped with the date. Those who were found without a current token had their hands amputated as an example to others. Others who resisted were fed to the savage Spanish dogs. More on the Spanish Inquisition in the New World. NOTE: We are not certain of the veracity of the referenced website.
Sunday, March 11, 2007

J.L. Chuites
Take a look at this tabletop sculpture by Art In The Market artist, Jaxon Chuites. Not only is it a fantastic creation but the media is somewhat unusual. Jaxon a.k.a, Leather Shaman uses the hides of creatures for sculpture. Hand dyeing, forming and shellacking is all part of the process. Read more here http://leathershaman.com/
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Civil Disobedience and Consequences
Our Plaza is a place where all are welcome. This is the first and oldest "public space" in the nation. A part of the artist's assertion of freedom of speech rights has to do with the fact that our founding fathers specifically stated that the public "fora" is the prime place for freedom of expression. Only recently (Bery v. N.Y.C. 1997) has the court decided that visual art qualifies as protected speech.
This federal court did not leave this open for interpretation by local or regional courts. The language is clear. Interpretations continue on both sides. Here in St. Augustine we have hair wrappers and bead stringers insisting that they are protected under the First Amendment. They are correct in that respect. No one can stop them from practicing their expressions. The collection of money as compensation for their expression is another thing. Art In The Market has always wondered why those "artists" who whine about their constitutional rights at Commission meetings do not simply exercise those rights and accept the consequences of being cited and go to court to defend those rights. Do your reasearch first !
Last Friday, a woman unknown to the rest of the artists set up a table at the eastern end of the Plaza. She had somehow come to the conclusion that if she attached jewelry to Barbie dolls and teddy bears she could skirt the "is it art" issue that confounds some. Ok , nice try ,but this action was based on misinformation. When the police informed her that this wasn't going to work she became combative (extremely so) The officers did their best and asked her to leave, she would not. @&?##^ filled the air of the Plaza. Parents were hustling their little ones away, the homeless scattered,and the gawkers couldn't help but watch the drama. The poor woman had to be led away kicking and screaming in handcuffs. Yes ,she obviously she felt strongly about her position but the argument that she gave was delusional and wrongheaded.
The civil disobedience espoused by Gandhi.Thoreau and Dr. King does not involve taking a swing at police officers.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Two Old Altar Boys
His Excellency and Art In The Market artist Suvo pictured here trading Latin conjegations. Guess who was better at it. Upon later reflection Suvo believes that though he had the words correct," Aio, quantitas magna frumentorum est" he really did not mean to say, "Yes ,That is quite a large load of corn". "I could've quoted from the Latin Mass but the good bishop caught me off guard by testing me", said Suvo. He hopes that the bishop understands that it has been forty years since Latin class from The Oblates. Mea Culpa.
We hope that the bishop bookmarks Art In The Market to keep informed about what goes on on the Cathedral's "front lawn".
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
A Walk Back In Time

The Florida Agricultural Museum Invites You to Attend
A Walk Back In Time: "Life and Times on the Old Kings Road"
March 24 & 25th, 9am to 4pm
At the Florida Agricultural Museum, 7900 Old Kings Road
At the Intersection of Old Kings Road and Hwy US 1 North Flagler County
Join us for a "Walk Back in Time" an opportunity to walk the 3/4 mile trail and visit historic camps arranged as a time line historic periods, as they might have existed along the Old Kings Road. You will meet and talk with Timucuan Indians, Spanish Settlers, British Colonists, Seminoles, Florida Pioneer Cowhunters and visit the excavation site of a turn-of-the-century Archaeologists complete with recovered artifacts. In addition to the historic camps, there will be vendors selling historic reproduction items and food at the Caldwell Dairy Barn. State archaeologists will also be set up in the dairy barn to discuss Florida archaeology as part of the Archaeology Month celebration. Saturday the 24th will also include our Old Fashion Barn Dance. So don't miss the
Old Fashion Barn Dance & Cake Walk
Saturday March 24th 3-5pm
All Day Admission:
Adults $5.00, 12 & Under $3.00, 2 and under Free
Please wear walking shoes
Call 386-446-7630
for more information
Discover Florida's History:
Founded before Plymouth
Settled prior to Jamestown
St. Augustine Founded in 1565
A Great Family EventFull of Fun & Learning
Amanda..... Amanda

Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Rebels Without Applause

The Creation Process