Sunday, April 26, 2009


City Hall employee photographing "rogue artists"

Some of the Art In The Market artists have been setting up 3'x3' displays in the "mandatory"alternatives testified to in Federal court. After setting up near the entrance to Casa Monica hotel we apologized to the guests loading and unloading and to the folks trying to navigate around our display.

Soon, came a city employee to photograph us for whatever reason we do not know. After taking numerous photos and we started doing the same, she hightailed it back to the top floor of the Lightner Museum where the City Hall is housed.


  1. Note to the City Employee/Clandestine Photographer: Next time the boss tells you to go downstairs and take pictures of the artists, you should be woman enough to tell him that's not in your job description! Shame on you. I don't think my taxes should pay for this assignment.

  2. Plaza Artist27 April, 2009

    The City usually used the police hiding behind shrubbery or from the Govm't House upper windows to photograph the artists.This hourly
    employee replaced City Manager Harris who would photograph from his black window tinted Escalade hence our expression "Fat Man With Camera" would alert the artists in the past.

  3. Why is it not alright to take photos of the artists?

    They don't have to give a reason or ask permission from the artists. Freedom is freedom.

  4. That's what they always say.

  5. I was there with another woman and that lady knows my wife.

  6. They certainly run when we start snapping

  7. Just don't take pics of my art
