We were once a group of visual artists who displayed and sold our works in non traditional venues, i.e. the streets and plazas of St.Augustine Florida,the oldest City in The U. S. Local laws have been passed in defiance of the First Amendment.There are no longer street artists in St. Augustine, Florida E mail: plazanews@mail.com
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Hookers to Demonstrate in Plaza
5:00pm-8:00pm Colonial Clothing Demonstrations, Government HouseLocal artisans demonstrating the art of hand-hooking rugs and spinning textiles. Spinners and hookers will be available to answer questions and explain the techniques and history of this heritage craft.
No Free Range Here !
"It shall be unlawful for any person, within the corporate limits of the city, to allow or permit any chickens, geese, turkeys, ducks or other live domestic fowls owned by his [him] to stray or to roam upon the public streets or upon private property of any person within the corporate limits of the city."
Karl's Note: This seems a reasonable ordinance. This is just an excuse to show one of Suvo's artworks
Censorship is Offensive

Monday, August 27, 2007
Clash Between Courts' Review of Advertising and the First Amendment

Tuesday, Aug. 21, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
USE Bcc:

as we do.
Art In The Market does not disclose our e mail list to anyone. Remember to use Bcc: if you send out a large bunch of emails.
Monday, August 20, 2007
What Brought This On?

Commissioner :"Aah, what a nice day it is here in our beautiful City of St. Augustine. Don't you think ?
Citizen: "You bet it is. I love our little ancient city."
Commissioner: "Do you know what we really need in this community? "
Citizen: "You bet! I was thinking the same thing. A titty bar! That drive to Jacksonville and back is a killer."
Commissioner: "Uh... What!? No! I was going to say that we need an affordable health care clinic for God's sake!"
Citizen: "Think about it ... we can have a colonial spin on it. A flamenco strip down ........in good taste of course."
Citizen: "I think that I know some guy's that might be interested. That Fusion Club has been up for sale for quite awhile. We can Call it Club Lascivo.
Commissioner: "Ya know......I gotta run"
A s it is now, citizens are up in arms saying that the city commissioners are creating a "red light" zone. Back pedalling and "No ! No ! We didn't mean that.....!" is taking place. A map of permitted areas published in this mornings paper will no doubt stir up those living in or near the zones marked in an unfortunate red color.
Commissioners, just drop the whole thing. The outside counsel Michael Kahn has cashed his check. Stop drawing attention to this thing or you will have Larry Flynt here opening one of his clubs just to spite us. This would put us free speech advocates in a bind. we would be forced to defend sleaze and raunch. Just back away and no one will get hurt. The restrictive rules (other than zones, things like signage, no alcohol, no touching, no complete nudity, no hanky panky etc.), though we haven't read them , may be enough to prevent an adult club investor from considering the nation's oldest City.
Crescent Beach Paint Out

Just Up The Road

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Copyright Law of the United States of America
Title 17 of the United States Code
120. Scope of exclusive rights in architectural works
(a) Pictorial Representations Permitted. — The copyright in an architectural work that has been constructed does not include the right to prevent the making, distributing, or public display of pictures, paintings, photographs, or other pictorial representations of the work, if the building in which the work is embodied is located in or ordinarily visible from a public place.
We artists do not "owe" you fees. Stop looking at your cash register for just a moment. Be sensible.
Be Vigilant

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Interview With Suvo

Q. What is this about?
A. I and other artists are adamant about our protected rights to display and sell artworks on public property. This is a free speech issue.
Q. You went to jail because of non approved art?
A. The ordinances are poorly written by someone who doesn't know the meaning of "media" and "substrate" The art that I displayed was a tapestry and this is not "on paper or canvas" as the ordinance describes "art".
Q. You mention other artists yet you seem to be the one that ....well for instance goes to jail. Are you a grandstander?
A. (Laughs) Grandstander? Well....maybe. I'm from the Midwest and we tend to prefer the quiet background, but then again we also tend to be righteous in our actions.
Q. That sounds fairly pretentious.
A. Ok, yeah it does. We have idiots and low characters as well. What I mean is that sometimes we are thrust into roles that we did not seek.
Q. Aren't you artists simply asking for a "free ride" not purchasing permits and just opening a gallery wherever you want.
A. We are not "asking" for anything. The federal courts affirm that certain art items are in the category of protected speech. (prints, sculpture, paintings, prints and other media) We believe that certain time, place and manner restrictions are valid provided they are not falsely intentioned.
Q. Meaning what?
A. Falsely intentioned. Lets say that you say we can exercise our rights but it must be At 2AM on a back street and only wooden tables bought at Target. Your intention is to eliminate my right to display and sell. What possibly is the purpose here in St. Augustine of the St. George Street restriction?
Q. You said "display and sell" doesn't that make what you do a commercial enterprise?
A. Yes of course. The sale of visual art allows us to make more visual art. Without commerce we would not be able to purchase brushes, canvas or paints? The newspaper vendors on St. George are there without permit because this is protected speech. Put in your fifty cents. We stand on the same principle.
Q. Does the right cover me selling World Wrestling Foundation Posters or Che Guevara T shirts?
A. Yes it does. It does not have to be your own expression but you will find that with product licensing and slim profit margins it won't work for long. Che Guevara T shirts? Political speech is protected. We will see the politicians in the fall with their "Vote For" shirts and they are likewise protected.
Q. What's next?
A. Three artists are going before St. John's County Judge Tinlin on Sept 26. He is to decide on the validity of the City's charges against uis. We are charged with wrong media, and wrong location. We'll see.
Court on September 26

We know that this is old news but in December of last year Suvo was stopped from protesting a restrictive ordinance on St. George Street. Note the flyers in his hand. There were not too many takers what with the police with their video camera blocking the exhibit. He was issued a $100 fine and told to leave St. George Street. He refuses to pay but he did depart from St. George St. Most of the citations issued in the past year have not gone to court and in some instances cannot be found when Suvo requests his day in court. Link to similar free speech suppression stories . Another Link.
Sound Familiar?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
The New Retirees
We do not know how we could have forgotten to tell you about these three Trukee California cyclists who were in the Plaza on 6/29. Nancy and Jerry Ives cycled 2900 miles across the country with fellow cycling enthusiast Norm Green. The destination was St. Augustine or rather the Atlantic Ocean at Vilano Beach. "Actually, these last two weeks across Florida have been the easiest part of the ride. Roads were better than most, often much like riding in a park. Twice we found ourselves on beautiful paved paths." said Nancy. They flew home on Monday after a two day visit here in beautiful St. Augustine.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Luck and Talent

Friday, August 10, 2007
Read And Learn !
Yes, a display of Cd's can appear on the Streets of St. Augustine. An illegal ordinance is no law at all. Counterfeits and copies are another matter. As artists we are very conscious of copyright and it's protections. Sometimes we get overzealous as we did on Quigley's painting last week. We respect copyrights.
While we are at it, we wonder why the police give a blind eye to the jewelry vendors starting to display and sell around us. They ride their bikes right past the displays that we are told ...the City approved. Don't get us wrong, we are for free enterprise but visual artists (painting, sculpture, prints and photographs) have been arrested fined and jailed recently because the works were not on "canvas or paper "(it was tapestry). The items offered were hair barrettes and two others were jewelry items.This selective enforcement has been the norm. We will address this in the courts at a later date. We know Mastrovincenzo vs N.Y.C. at least as well as you do. We introduced it to you.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Small Town Power

Sec. 22-4. Parks; holding public meetings.
It shall be unlawful for any person to hold any public meeting of any character whatsoever in any of the parks of the city without permission of the city manager. (italics are ours)
We have requested agenda time at a City Commission meeting to present a draft of a Constitutionally viable City ordinance that does not have a chilling effect upon the free speech of visual artists.
Initially we were told by the City Manager's office that we must request in writing and it will be placed on the agenda "at the discretion of the City Manager". We wrote and Sandy Schroeder at the City office replied that it must be "sponsored" by a City Commissioner. We have sent a draft of our agenda to each Commissioner and have yet to receive a response. The closest thing that might be a reply is that we were told by an elected City official that we can expect no response.
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
New Monuments


Rush To Judgement

Guess what .. the image that seems to be circulating of MY Flagler painting is actually a Photograph..... No kidding ...it's a photo of the site from where I painted .. seems to be a well shot area, and I believe that some photoshop work was done, to enhance,; Anyhoo, When I was down at the Plaza two weeks ago, there was a sunset that again was exactly the colors of what I saw 18 months ago when I painted the image... I have seen many similar sunsets from that vantage point -its just killer... LIFE does imitate ART! So a photographer has overridden the ability of applying "brush on canvas"... we'll be alright!
Monday, August 06, 2007
Click Away

"New York City and their laws are different than down here in St. Augustine. They also have many more artists than we do." Commissioner Gardner to a street artist. Yes Commissioner, we did some research and you are correct.
Responding to an outcry that included a passionate Internet campaign, N.Y.C. officials yesterday backed off proposed new rules that could have forced tourists taking snapshots in TimesSquare and filmmakers capturing that only-in-New-York street scene to obtain permits and $1 million in liability insurance.
New Yorkers are able to move quickly and creatively to push back when the city government clamps down and represses free speech. Sadly, here in St. Augustine we have those who remain silent even among the so called "art community". Here is an email we received from a fellow artist in the community. We did not publish the artists' name
If the "Keep Off The Grass" is considered, except for concerts and special events, how do the "artist"(sic) fit in this picture. It is a right that is for everyone to enjoy as long as they govern themselves. I am moving from the community in a few weeks, and may return in late fall, but if everyone (that is) out there now need(s) to govern themselves better. YOU DON'T OWN THE PLAZA!!!
Your worst enemy
(Name Withheld)
Good mood response....... Ok , yes we should"govern"ourselves better. This is a good philosophy. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Please.....you are not our enemy.
American Heritage Dictionary
gov·ern (gŭv'ərn)
To make and administer the public policy, To control the speed or magnitude of, To control the actions or behavior of, To keep under control.
On second thought, after reading this definition,..........go "govern" yourself pal, ya know what we mean?
Thursday, August 02, 2007
We Love New York Y'all

Here is a film of Lederman's many arrests.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Ask ,Next time

It is interesting how the City of St. Augustine feels that they can make rules that not only violate our civil rights but sometimes they appear to outright steal from us. Take the above painting of St. Augustine. It was done by Dean Quigley one of our Plaza artists. The city has decorated their webpage with this painting. No inquiry was made to the artist. This is illegal folks. It is a blatant copyright violation. You have stolen . Kinda like piracy . Webmaster for the City, read this.
The national organization called Elderhostel also likes Quigley's painting and has taken it for their website without permission. Again , owning a print or original does not entitle you to reproduce an artist's image without attribution or compensation. Dean's work has been reproduced many times in textbooks particularly those covering archaeology and early Native American culture. He is compensated for this. Knowing Dean, we feel that he would be flattered and more than happy to give permission to use the image. Couldn't the City ask?